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Metallica and Lady Gaga Have More Collaboration Opportunities

Apart from the technical errors that exist, it seems anyone will find it hard to forget the energetic performances of Metallica and Lady Gaga at the 2017 Grammy Awards yesterday. Interestingly, reported by Rolling Stone via Mic, Lars Ulrich also said the attitude and appearance of Lady Gaga was like the fifth member for Metallica.

"Lady Gaga is typically perfect as the band's fifth member (Metallica). Her voice, attitude, even appearance look really awesome. Playing together doesn't feel difficult and balanced, and she has a hard rock and metal soul in her blood. Everything feels easy for Gaga. There is nothing to make up, he is really warm and energetic, "Lars said.

The latest, Lady Gaga also reportedly told the drummer of the veteran American metal unit to re-create something together. Although the Poker Face hit maker does not imply the potential for collaboration, offering metal music with Metallica on a wider audience can be one of the best ideas.

"We have to do something again together. Some people don't really know how important metal music is and its scope. They (Metallica) really keep the stadium full until now. And because all of this is music culture, the poem feels very strong. I always say to people, when they say, 'oh, he is the next Madonna', 'no, I'm the next Iron Maiden,' "Gaga said.

It was quite difficult to imagine what it would be like when Metallica and Lady Gaga collaborated. But given the positive response of their appearance at the Grammy Awards some time ago, it was interesting to wait for the results of their collaboration.

While on the other hand Metallica itself has not hinted at a sign to start writing new material, but in an interview with A.V Club, returning to take a tour by land is one of the things they are currently thinking about. Well, it's likely that Metallica is preparing for a new release with Lady Gaga as a collaborator.

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